LNAT Guides
LNAT Section B - Your Guide to the Second Section of the LNAT
Written by: Matt Amalfitano-Stroud
Section B of the LNAT is your chance to show off your essay writing skills. This could either be the easiest or the most challenging part of your application. Either way, let’s take an in-depth look at what to expect from Section B and how you can succeed. Carry on reading for LNAT facts, tips and practice questions!
Before we get to essay writing, let’s go over the basics of the LNAT to make sure we understand what the exam is all about.

The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is a two paper exam used primarily to test a potential student’s abilities in various disciplines of reading and writing.
You’ll be likely to encounter the test if you’re applying for a Law degree in the UK, starting from undergraduate level. While not every university will require you to sit the LNAT (such as Cambridge University), 9 UK universities and 2 international universities use the LNAT in their application process. These universities include Oxford, Cambridge, University College London and the London School of Economics, which are some of the highest-rated Law universities in the UK.
The LNAT lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes and is split between Section A and Section B, which will both ask different styles of questions to test your reading and writing skills.
Section A
Section A consists of 42 multiple-choice questions based on a total of 12 argumentative passages. Each passage has three or four questions to answer and you will have 95 minutes to complete all of these.
The passages you’ll find in the LNAT are based on a variety of topics. They typically aren’t focused on law-related issues but will instead cover anything from politics, science, history, technology and much, much more! But no need to fret, you won’t need to start revising for every possible question! Section A isn’t about your knowledge of a topic but instead your ability to decipher and explain meanings from non-fiction literature, including intentions behind specific words or phrasing and discussion of the writer’s viewpoint of the topic.
Section B
In Section B, you’ll have a choice of three questions to write a single argumentative essay about. You will have 40 minutes in total to complete this essay and you have a maximum of 750 words.
Just like Section A, your essay will be answering a general question. Many questions that have previously been asked have related to ethical issues and current affairs such as “How should judges be appointed?” or “What is ‘political correctness and why does it matter?”. When choosing your question, you’ll want to make sure you have at least some level of interest and knowledge on your chosen topic, as you will need to be more informative in your answer than Section A. However, the primary focus of this Section is to test your comprehension, creativity and reasoning abilities, so don’t worry if you’re not an expert on the subject.
The LNAT is sat at any time between September 1st and January 20th (October 15th for Oxford and Cambridge applicants) and must be taken at an LNAT testing centre. You will have to register for a testing date on the LNAT website, which can be done from August 1st until September 15th for Oxford applicants and January 15th for applicants at other universities. Bear in mind that you’ll need to pay a fee of £75 for testing in the UK and £120 outside of the UK.
The LNAT scoring for Section A is very clear, giving you a mark out of 42 based on your correct answers. Section B however does not have an official or consistent marking scheme. Each university will mark your essay differently with some placing great importance on your performance in this section and others not considering it at all. We have a Definitive Guide to LNAT Scores if you would like to learn more about your results in the test.
Here’s a quick summary of the basic details we’ve learnt so far:
LNAT Exam Format
Want to learn more about the LNAT? Check out our Definitive LNAT Guide to learn more general information about what you can expect from the exam!
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With the LNAT Preparation Platform, you’ll be able to use an amazing collection of revision notes, strategy guides and expert tutorials to learn everything you’ll need to write the perfect essay!
With the basics of the LNAT out the way, it’s time to go headfirst into Section B, or, “The Essay Section”.

The structure of Section B is very simple in theory! You’ll be given three unrelated questions and a couple of blank pages to craft a thought-provoking essay based on one of them in 40 minutes. Here’s an example of what your question page will look like:
As you can see, none of the questions are particularly lengthy and all cover very different topics. This variety should mean that you’ll have at least one question that you can confidently answer.
Although the topics are very different, the structure of each question is fairly similar. Whether the question provides a quote or a general topic, each one will essentially be asking you to express your view on what has been presented to you. The purpose of this section is to determine your skills in argumentative writing, after all, so expressing your opinion understandably and convincingly will be the core of your essay.
Of course, it’s no coincidence that Section B is structured this way, expressing convincing arguments is an essential skill in almost any profession within Law. Even if your chosen university doesn’t officially mark your essay, you should still put your all into this section as a way to practice and demonstrate your skills for your potential future profession.
For some, this Section may be a breeze. Essay writing is a natural skill for some, while many others may feel overwhelmed with options when they first begin. Especially with a 40-minute time limit, many people may freeze up when either choosing a question or beginning to write their essay. Getting started is always the hardest part of writing but once you’ve overcome that roadblock, you should find yourself finishing the essay with time to re-read it (which you will definitely need to do)!
Exams.Ninja Tip
750 words are considered on average to take up three standard-sized pages, with 250 words per page. Remember though that 750 words is the maximum, not the minimum. While you should always aim to get as close to the word limit as possible, you will typically be given around 10% leeway (75 words) in either direction, so don’t worry if you’re a few words over or under.
As we mentioned, you’re going to want to save some time at the end to double-check your writing. Between five and ten minutes should be sufficient time to check everything, so try to wrap up your essay quickly if you’re still writing in the last minutes of the exam. The examiners aren’t expecting perfection from your essay here, as there’s only so much a person can do in 40 minutes without any additional preparation time! The time spent double-checking should be used to catch out any spelling or grammatical errors rather than trying to change your wording or arguments.
As we’ve already discussed, marking for Section B is very loose and does not have a set standard between different universities. Unfortunately, many unis don’t provide much information on how they mark or use the essay in your application. We do know that the following universities do not consider Section B within your application:
Universities That Do Not Consider Section B of the LNAT
How Do Universities use Section B?
Universities that consider Section B may use it in a variety of ways. For example, they may compare it against your personal statement or reference it in questions during your interview. When a university has two or more borderline applicants to choose between, the Section B essay will definitely come into play, which should reinforce the idea that you should put as much effort as you can into your essay.
Oxford University is generally the most considerate of Section B, with a percentage scoring scheme used to determine an essay’s quality. A good essay will generally score 60% or above in this marking scheme, with points being awarded to displays of application, reasoning ability and good communication. You can see here the Section B results for successful applicants of Law at Oxford in the 2020-21 admissions cycle. Only 15 of the 238 applicants scored under 60%, with the most common score being 63%.
Essay Scores for Successful Oxford Applicants (2020-21)
LNAT Essay Score Number of Applicants
54 1
55 2
58 3
59 9
60 11
61 18
62 33
63 42
64 27
65 39
66 19
67 10
68 6
69 7
70 4
71 5
74 1
75 1
Total Offers 238
Remember, Section A is typically going to hold more value for your LNAT score, so be sure that you are equally prepared for it. You can check out our LNAT Section A Guide for more tips on how to get the best score that you can!
What exactly are the examiners going to be looking for from your essay? Let’s find out!

Section B isn’t a test of your general knowledge on certain topics. Your efforts in the 40 minutes need to be focussed on writing a compelling and convincing argument based on the question you are asked. Let’s take a look at the different areas of essay writing that need to be considered for this section of the exam:
Choosing a Question
Before you do anything, you’ll of course have to choose a question. Your process for doing this will depend heavily on the questions available, which you will have no hint towards before you start the section.
Firstly, you’ll need to ensure you have properly read every question. We recommend taking about two minutes to go through every question properly, as you need to be certain that you know what the question is asking. This can be difficult with the number of different variations of question types you can get. For example, what is each of these questions asking?
1. Do you agree that there is art for the masses and elite culture? How do you feel about being “the mass”?
2. Birth controls shouldn’t be prescribed to teenagers without parental consent. What is your opinion?
3. Web 2.0 has brought about a different method of communicating over the Web through “online social networking” and this signals a shift in how people relate to the divide between private and public space. Discuss.
Question 1 has first asked you a simple yes or no question, whether you agree with the statement. While obviously, you will need to be in-depth and argumentative in your answer, the style of question does limit your response to a certain degree as you will need to remain within the parameters of whether you agree with what they have told you.
Question 2 meanwhile simply asks for an opinion on the topic, a much more open-ended method of asking your viewpoint. You will have more of a chance to explore different factors of the topic as you are not restricted to a yes or no question.
Finally, Question 3 is the most open-ended of the three in terms of the structure, with only the instruction to discuss the statement provided. Your essay could go in several directions here, with any option falling under the instructions provided by the question, as long as it’s relevant to the topic of course!
It’s natural to assume that the best question to pick would be the easiest, but this definitely isn’t always true. The amount of knowledge you have on a subject will matter when choosing a question, there’s no point in trying to answer something you have absolutely no knowledge of, but you’ll equally want to consider which topic you have the most interest in.
Which would make the better choice for an essay; a topic that you know lots of facts about but don’t have any strong feelings towards, or a topic that you don’t know quite as much about but have a strong opinion or interesting argument relating to it.
Examiners are looking for the ability to make a strong case, not just the ability to state information, so the best option will always be the question that you feel you could write an interesting argument for.
Planning your essay
Creating a plan may feel like a waste of your time given how little time you have, but it’s important to go into your writing with a clear idea so you don’t begin to ramble or go off-topic.
Your plan should only take around 5 minutes and does not have to be extremely in-depth. The main purpose of your plan should be to pin down what your argument is and what points you are going to use to express it, as well as having a rough structure to keep the essay focused and organised.
When creating your plan, the first step is always going to be to generate ideas, you won’t get far without them! You may have already developed some while reading the questions and making your decision, so be sure to write them all down. At this stage, no idea is a bad idea, so think of anything that may be relevant and put it in your collection of ideas.
Once you think you have enough (or more than enough) talking points, it’s time to build the structure of the essay. Everything will need to be built around an effective introduction and conclusion, which will be the two tentpoles of your argument. However, all the points you are going to make in between need to be carefully placed to maintain a good flow throughout the essay. Paragraphs should connect with each other and points shouldn’t feel like a checklist. The discussion should feel natural, without any sudden shifts in topic or tone.
Once you’re happy with your plan, it’ll be time to start writing. One major benefit to having a plan is that you will find yourself writing much faster when working from a plan. You won’t need to be worrying about structure or points you should make as all of that will have already been decided. You’ll be free to focus on the strength of your writing!
Writing the Essay
The two most important sections will always be the introduction and conclusion. You’ll need to properly explain the argument you’re making to give the rest of the essay meaning and you will need to provide some form of definitive answer to the question once you’ve expressed all the points you had.
Everything in between the beginning and end needs to be relevant and well-thought-out or else your argument will fall flat! You’re going to need to use your deductive reasoning skills to ensure all your points need to be relevant and explained clearly so the reader can understand why you’re writing about it and what it means to the question you’re answering.
Of course, the most basic thing that you will need to be careful about is your spelling and grammar. During the initial writing stage, it can be easy to overlook this, especially when under a strict time limit. The best way to prevent any problems here is to save time in the exam to go over your work. Speaking of which…
Double-checking your Work
You may feel confident that your work is perfect, but there is almost certainly going to be at least one error or aspect that can be corrected or improved. Giving yourself five or ten minutes before the end of the exam could be an absolute life-saver and save you from an embarrassing mistake.
Spelling, grammar and wording are all key things to look out for. This time shouldn’t be about changing up your argument or adding extra points, but ensuring the fundamentals of your essay are flawless. An examiner is much more likely to forgive a slightly clunky argument in your essay than a collection of blatant spelling errors.
However, don’t rush the second half of your essay or skip over key points for the sake of having time at the end. It’s ok to cut things out that don’t necessarily fit the best, you do only have 750 words after all, but don’t do this at the cost of your essay’s overall quality. Correcting a couple of errors isn’t going to save your mark if the essay that you’ve written feels incomplete.
Exams.Ninja Tip
What do LNAT examiners look for? The three major things to consider are as follows:
- You need to offer a uniques perspective on the topic. Examiners don’t want to read 100 essays covering the same basic point, so provide an interesting angle to keep their interest.
- You need to keep things as definitive and objective as possible. You’re going to have opinions on the topic, but you will need to avoid expressing them outright and focus on facts and evidence to explain your overall point.
- Examiners take the word count very seriously. Aim for less than the 750-word limit, try to hit around 600 instead.
You’ll need to make sure you practise everything we’ve discussed so far, but what’s the best way of doing so? Here are a few tips that will help you out!

1. Develop a Preparation Plan
The LNAT is slightly different to some other exams, as your time revising won’t be spent remembering facts but instead practising your reasoning and critical thinking. It can be difficult to know where to start with this, so you should create a plan for how to tackle it, much like how you do with an essay.
You should devote time to the areas that you feel you need the most work. Ideally, you’ll have time to thoroughly cover everything but in reality, you’ll want to prioritise the areas that you aren’t as comfortable with.
Bear in mind that the LNAT is only one part of your application process. Your time should be split between other areas of application as well, including your interview and personal statement, as well as revising for your A-Levels or equivalent!
Not sure on the best way to tackle a plan? Check out our 6-Month Preparation Timeline for some inspiration!
2. Read and Write as much as you can
As you should know by now, reading and writing are the two most important skills that you will need to revise. These are both very general topics that have lots of areas to practice in, but in general, these are the two things you will need to know how to do well as you will be relying on these skills for both Sections of the exam.
The most effective way to revise reading and writing is to just do it! There are countless ways to practice so try to find something that feels beneficial to you, while also being enjoyable. For your writing skills, you’ll want to take any opportunities to write about topics that interest you. Writing on a topic that requires little research is a great way of being able to focus on important parts, your cognitive and argumentative abilities.
For something a bit more challenging, you may want to ask a friend or family member to give you a question that you can answer with a short essay. Let them catch you off guard with something you didn’t know they would ask, and then present them with your essay to see if they understand the argument you were trying to make or were at all convinced by your points. Of course, don’t always expect a review as in-depth as an LNAT examiner may give!
3. Answer Previous LNAT Questions
Creating your own questions or just writing about something you care about is great practice, but the best way to get a true understanding of what sitting the LNAT is like is to answer actual questions from past papers. These will be the best representative of what you can expect in the real thing because they are the real thing, just a bit older!
To take your preparation to the next level, you answer the questions under exam conditions, complete with the time limit. This is always a great way to test your nerves and see how you perform under pressure, especially for an exam like the LNAT. You could either try Section B alone or sit the full test with both Sections in the 135-minute time limit (we recommend you do both!).
How can you get a mark on your practice LNAT exam? With Exams.Ninja!
With the Exams.Ninja LNAT Preparation Platform you’ll be able to complete a selection of LNAT past papers under exam conditions. You’ll get an estimated mark at the end of the exam and you can go through worked solutions and practice essays to help improve your abilities.
It’s time to have a look at some examples of top-quality LNAT essays and some questions with suggested talking points so you can get an idea of what you’ll need to write to get a great score!

LNAT Example Essay 1
‘There is a time and place for censorship of the internet.’ Discuss with particular reference to the right of freedom of expression.
In today’s day and age it is extremely easy for anyone to access explicit or dangerous content on the internet. There have been talks of censorship on the internet, but is it necessary? One would argue that the censorship of the internet is against our freedom of expression, which is why in this essay I will provide an answer in response to the statement ‘There is a time and place for censorship of the internet’.
In our current education system there is a heavy emphasis put on the usage of the internet to aid our learning. However, once children learn how to use the internet, the whole world is just one click away. Children could be easily exposed to indecent images, which is why some say the Government should censor the internet for the safety of children. Possible solutions could be only allowing websites with adult material to be accessible at late-night, reducing the chances of indecent exposure to children. Accordingly, in this instance, censorship is justified.
Similarly, one could easily research the internet to find information about illegal activities such as drug or bomb making. This means that the internet could be used as a tool to threaten national security, hence why the internet should have tough censorship in order to prevent criminals from accessing dangerous material, for the benefit of everyone’s safety.
On the other hand, blocking certain websites strictly goes against our right of freedom of expression and instead of blocking certain dangerous websites, the Government should have a more efficient surveillance strategy in order to track people who are accessing such dangerous websites. This would ensure that our right of freedom of expression is not breached and at the same time, criminal activity would be prevented.
Furthermore, with regards to the access of sexually explicit websites, more work should be some in order to educate children not to access such websites. Good parent is a better alternative to preventing children accessing such websites, rather than blocking sites which goes against our right of freedom of expression.
In conclusion, there is no time and place for censorship as it goes against our right to freedom of expression. Other alternatives such as internet surveillance would be more effective as it ensures the safety of the general public and at the same time our freedom of expression is not breached.
Examiner’s comments:
Introduction: This is a very good introduction. It highlights the conflict between censorship and freedom of expression, which is a good place to point it out. In the final sentence, though, the student wastes time in saying ‘which is why in this essay I will come with an answer in response to the statement….’ – this is obvious and there is little point in saying it. It just wastes time and prevents one using the time for writing something more useful. Other than this, the introduction is very good and concise.
Main body: The student considers two main instances of censorship in the main body (indecent images and dangerous websites) and suggests that censorship could be used, but suggests alternatives would be more effective. This is quite a persuasive essay because the student has considered alternative points of view, which makes the essay balanced.
Conclusion: The conclusion is very clear and brings the arguments advanced in the essay to a final judgement. The candidate directly addresses the question and refers to the whole part of the question by considering freedom of expression (unlike in Example Essay 2). On the whole, this is a very impressive essay.
Style: This candidate makes two typographical errors. First, ‘more work should be some’ should read ‘more work should be done’. Second, ‘Good parenting’ should be referenced, not ‘Good parent’. Proof read!
LNAT Example Essay 2
‘Developed countries have a greater obligation to tackle climate change than developing countries.’ Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.
Climate change is a global issue that affects all nations and its peoples, and in light of the newly released global sustainability goals, perhaps we should focus on what actions should be taken to effect a change rather arguing who should take responsibility. Hence, I disagree with this statement and will be presenting my argument in this essay.
Firstly, climate change is a global issue and all nations are obligated to combat it. We must abandon the attitude that developing nations are somehow inferior to developed nations simply because of their global position. With this approach in mind, all nations therefore must be taken as accountable for this global crisis that affects us all. Perhaps the view that combatting climate change is an ‘obligation’ should be abandoned. Improving the condition of our world and fixing our mistakes should be regarded not as a chore, but as a responsibility to future generations. After we have confronted these issues and changed our perceptions, will a global effort truly be effectively carried forward?
Secondly, while it is true that developed nations have a greater capacity financially and structurally to enact a change, efforts to improve the infrastructure of a country to make it more green can be done by developing countries. Rather than seeing sustainability as an expensive undertaking, requiring new carbon capturing machines, knowledge of other ways to lesson our carbon footprint should be made clear. These simple methods such as planting more trees than the number being cut down or effective garbage disposable and recycling to minimise burning of garbage. Such inexpensive methods could easily be undertaken by developing countries, eliminating the idea that climate change is a concern of the rich.
Thirdly, to separate countries into two spheres is damaging. This segregation lead to the belief that ‘developing nations’ are somehow able to ‘get away’ with releasing high amount of greenhouse gases or deforestation by simply claiming that they do not have the capacity to make such a change. It is not enough for the developed countries to take the initiative; developing nations are equally obligated to combat climate change.
In conclusion, no country should be viewed as having a greater obligation towards alleviating climate change.
Examiner’s comments:
Introduction: The introduction is excellent. The candidate states her main view concisely and proceeds to continue with the main body. The candidate also adopts a unique take on the question, which is positive.
Main body: The second paragraph raises interesting points but it is not clear how it relates to the question. A running theme throughout the essay is that every country shares a responsibility to be sustainable and reduce climate change. However, counter-arguments are not readily considered, accordingly the essay is not as persuasive as it might be. You must consider the other side of the argument.
The other side of the argument could have been discussed out the very good point made about developing countries still being able to plant trees. For example:
Climate change affects every country and, thus, every country should be obliged to tackle climate change.
Despite this, some argue that richer countries have far more resources than developing countries to spend on developing non-renewable energy sources (e.g. solar panels).
Nonetheless, poorer countries can still do their part by planting trees and taking other inexpensive methods and should not consider themselves ‘off the hook’. Climate change affects everyone and, therefore, everyone should contribute.
One could also note that the money concern is a practical issue that can be addressed. An example of a policy to deal this could be that each country pays a certain percentage of its GDP to tackle climate change.
Conclusion: The candidate succinctly presents her final response to the question in the conclusion. This could have been elaborated on a little more but is still fine nonetheless.
LNAT Practice Question 1
The general trend towards the liberalisation of marriage undermines its religious basis.’ Discuss this comment with reference to the idea of abolishing marriage as a legal concept.
- Marriage from a religious perspective is between a man and a woman and the liberalisation of this the rise of divorce and the legalisation of same sex marriage does undermine its religious basis.
- This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing – one idea would be to abolish marriage as a legal concept – making a joint union for the purposes of taxation that would be between whoever wants to create that union. Marriage then would be left as a separate union in the eyes of god alone and not in the eyes of the law. Whatever happens, the legal union will be separated from the religious one.
- Religion and the law should be separated, especially given our aim to be a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.
- It is to be unfairly preferential to one group of people to integrate one religion with the law above all others.
For – Challenges
- Why do we support relationships in the first place – partially mutual support that a long term commitment gives to someone, but also procreation, which is lost by extending it beyond heterosexual couples.
- This may be the case if we were creating the law now, but Christianity is inherently connected to the English legal system by virtue of its history and fused past.
- Religious basis is changing – lots of Christians believe that the concept of marriage should be extended to fit in one with modern perceptions
Against – Challenges
- But this is only as a response to the law changing what the understanding of marriage is.
- Marriage is traditionally a religious concept and its being integrated with the law means that the religious community has lost control of what marriage is.
LNAT Practice Question 2
Should tuition fees be reduced?
- Tuition fees should be reduced as high tuition fees are hindering low-income students from considering higher education, resulting in a lack of social mobility and a denial of the right to education based on income-levels.
- Tuition fees have become increasingly unaffordable in recent years, and this has become a huge deterrent for students who are not from well-to-do families from pursuing higher education, even though they may be academically-capable of doing so.
- Tuition fees should be reduced as universities already have the benefit of huge donations and grants being given by alumni and research organisations in order for them to survive and provide quality education, it is unfair to charge students exorbitant tuition fees and create a high barrier to entry based on financial means.
- The argument that tuition fees are needed to sustain a university is weak in this day and age when the bulk of a university’s revenue comes from research grants and legacy donations.
For – Challenges
- Tuition fees should not be reduced as tuition fees are needed for universities to remain competitive and hire the best professors and have the best resources for students in order to ensure quality teaching.
- If tuition fees were reduced, even if more students will be enticed to enrol in university as a result, it will mean that all students will end up receiving sub-standard education with the lack of resources and financial-backing needed.
- Tuition fees should not be reduced as not all universities have the benefit of large grants and legacy donations.
- Only the top-ranked universities and the most prestigious universities will be able to attract sufficient funding and donations from successful alumni and be able to survive even without charging high rates of universities.
- Many other universities will struggle to survive without charging sufficiently high tuition fees, and reducing tuition fees might be counter-intuitive and result in less university places being available.
- Tuition fees should not be reduced as there is already the student loan scheme in place which ensures that students only need to start re-paying their loan upon graduation if they earn a certain amount of income.
- This helps to ensure that low-income students will still have easy access to universities, and they will only need to pay off the loans if they manage to secure a job that pays enough for them to repay the loan.
- Tuition fees should not be reduced as too many students are going to university for the sake of it and do not take their degree seriously.
- It is well-known that many students in less rigorous courses and universities only treat university as an extra 3-4 years of socialising and partying.
- Taxpayers should not have to subsidise these students when they are not doing something of value and tuition fees should remain as it is in order to act as a deterrent for students who are not naturally inclined for university education in the first place.
Against – Challenges
- Tuition fees should be reduced as the high level of tuition fees being charged causes many students to be heavily-indebted upon graduation, causing an immense financial burden to them and provides a disincentive for many students to consider university in the first place, even if they qualified for university academically.
- Tuition fees should be reduced as university not only provides academic teaching, it also provides important soft-skills and allows students to figure out what they are good at and what they want to do in life.
- Studies have shown that university education is highly beneficial in terms of a person’s success later on in life as well as their earning capacity.
- Hence, we should not deny this opportunity to many students who might otherwise be put off by the high tuition fees.
Want even more practice questions? With the Exams.Ninja Preparation Platform, you’ll have access to 50 unique Section B questions to answer, each with a fully worked solution to tweak your method and write the best essay possible!
So now you’ve read our guide to Section B, it’s time to start writing an LNAT masterpiece! Section B may be the easiest or most difficult part of your whole application, but with the knowledge you now have of how it works, you shouldn’t have any problems writing an essay that will impress any examiner who reads it!
Do you need extra support with your LNAT preparation? Exams.Ninja provides you with all the help you’ll need!
The Exams.Ninja LNAT Preparation Platform is an easy and fun way to combine all of your LNAT prep together in one place. You’ll get unlimited access to:
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Practice Dojo – Test your LNAT skills with over 350 practice questions from Section A and Section B of the test. Each answer comes with a fully worked solution to guide you when you don’t understand.
Exams Arena – Take a realistic mock exam with our LNAT past papers. You’ll get an estimated result every time to help you track your progress for the real thing! Best of all, you can retry them as many times as you like!
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