MAT Past Paper Collection (1996 - 2024)
Are you looking for MAT past papers? You’ve come to the right place!
- Access every modern past paper from the MAT right here.
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- Explore tonnes of extra content, including the current older papers, worked solutions and results feedback from previous years.

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MAT Past Papers (2007 - 2024)
You can access all of these past papers, plus 700+ more practice questions when you sign up for a free account!
MAT Results and Feedback (2010 - 2024)
- MAT 2010 Feedback
- MAT 2011 Feedback
- MAT 2012 Feedback
- MAT 2013 Feedback
- MAT 2014 Feedback
- MAT 2015 Feedback
- MAT 2016 Feedback
- MAT 2017 Feedback
- MAT 2018 Feedback
- MAT 2019 Feedback
- MAT 2020 Feedback
- MAT 2021 Feedback
- MAT 2022 Feedback
- MAT 2023 Feedback
- MAT 2024 Feedback
When you upgrade your MAT.Ninja account, you’ll have access to worked solutions to every question in every paper, plus 700+ more practice questions!
MAT Past Papers (1996 - 2005)
Unfortunately, some of the original MAT papers from this time period are currently unavailable.
- MAT 1996
- MAT 1997
- MAT 1998
- MAT 2000
- MAT 2002
- MAT 2003
- MAT 2004
- MAT 2005
When you upgrade your MAT.Ninja account, you’ll have access to worked solutions to every question in every paper, plus 700+ more practice questions!
MAT Syllabus (2018)
- MAT Syllabus 2018
You can access all of these past papers, plus 700+ more practice questions when you sign up for a free account!
Why use MAT Past Papers?
Past papers are the most realistic materials available for MAT preparation, as they are real papers from the exam! Past papers are the most effective way of taking mock exams, as they provide you with actual MAT questions in a realistic format. Plus, there are loads to choose from so you likely won’t run out!
Once you’ve been preparing for a while, you’re more than likely going to want to give the exam a go, which is exactly why past papers are so helpful. With the detailed worked solutions for each paper available, you’ll be able to properly mark your work and monitor your progress.
If you want to use a programme that streamlines this process, why not check out MAT.Ninja? We have every past paper available to you for free, as well as our accurate, automatic marking system to help you track your progress. You can access even more features, including worked solutions and in-depth tutorials, when you upgrade your account!
History of the MAT
The MAT is one of the oldest admissions tests currently used by universities in the UK, with the oldest recorded paper being sat in 1996. It originated as an admissions test exclusive to the University of Oxford for Mathematics. The format used during this time was somewhat familiar but with differences that would affect how you sit the exam:
- The original MAT featured only five questions on the paper. All applicants were required to answer all five questions.
- The time limit was still 2 1/2 hours.
- Question 1 still consisted of ten multiple-choice questions, but applicants only had four options to pick from rather than five.
In 2007, the MAT was changed into the version we are familiar with today, with seven questions that are required by different courses and universities. However, the test was still exclusive to Oxford until 2013, which was the first year in which the MAT was used by Imperial College London. The University of Warwick was later added in 2017.
This format was changed again in 2024, when the exam made the jump to computer-based testing. The MAT now consists of 25 multiple-choice questions and just two longer written questions. The content syllabus remains mostly unchanged.
MAT Past Paper Tips
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you optimise your MAT Preparation with these past papers:
- For the most recent sitting of the MAT (2024), Oxford elected to only publish the longer written question in the past paper. This means that the 25 multiple-choice questions are not included in this paper.
- Ensure that you’ve used the 2024 MAT Syllabus as much as possible when revising, as this document details literally everything you need to know. Be sure to know this off by heart so you don’t miss any topics or revise something that won’t be covered in the exam.
- These past papers are a great way of understanding the MAT format and question types, so you should look through one towards the start of your preparation. That way, you’ll have a better understanding of the actual exam and will have some context to work with when revising.
- The older past papers have plenty of questions that will help in your preparation, but be aware that the format of papers before 2007 aren’t representative of the current exam and pre-2018 papers may contain question not featured in the current syllabus.
- Make sure you know what questions you need to answer for your course this should be stated in the paper but it's always good to remember for yourself (Bath, Durham and Nottingham applicants will have to remember as it is not stated on the paper).
- Don’t rush through all the past papers at once! You’ve got a lot to go through, but you should save most of them for later on in your revision schedule. The ideal strategy is to build up your content knowledge and try some practice questions first. Once you’re more confident in your abilities, you will have a good chance of doing well in the past papers.
- The MAT is typically taken on paper, so you may want to print off your past papers for a more authentic experience. Just be aware that you will then need to set up your own timer.
- Calculators and other supportive materials are not allowed fot the MAT, so avoid using these when taking mock exams.
- Remember to show your working for Questions 26 and 27, as some of your marks will come from demonstrating your process.
Here on Exams.Ninja, you’ll find amazingly in-depth guides to show you through every section of the exam, along with guides to help you with your planning and revision. Check out one of our Definitive Guides below!
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